ભાષા બદલો
Ortho Toludine

ઓર્થો ટોલુડિન

ઉત્પાદન વિગતો:

  • સંગ્રહ ઓરડાનું તાપમાન
  • અન્ય નામો Ortho Toludine
  • ગ્રેડ મેડિસિન ગ્રેડ
  • એપ્લિકેશન ફાર્માસ્યુટિકલ
  • વધુ જોવા માટે ક્લિક કરો

ઓર્થો ટોલુડિન કિંમત અને જથ્થો

  • 50
  • કિલોગ્રામ/કિલોગ્રામ
  • કિલોગ્રામ/કિલોગ્રામ

ઓર્થો ટોલુડિન ઉત્પાદન વિશિષ્ટતાઓ

  • મેડિસિન ગ્રેડ
  • Ortho Toludine
  • ઓરડાનું તાપમાન
  • ફાર્માસ્યુટિકલ

ઓર્થો ટોલુડિન વેપાર માહિતી

  • કેશ એડવાન્સ (સીએ)
  • સપ્તાહ દીઠ
  • દિવસો
  • ઓલ ઇન્ડિયા

ઉત્પાદન વર્ણન

Ortho Toludine is a medicine grade chemical compound that is used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is a white crystalline solid with a melting point of 50-54 C and is highly soluble in water. Ortho Toludine has a variety of applications in the pharmaceutical industry, such as in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and as an intermediate in the synthesis of dyes and pigments. It is also used as an additive in the production of rubber and plastics. Ortho Toludine is a highly stable compound that should be stored at room temperature. It is available in various forms, such as powder, granules, and flakes. Ortho Toludine is available from a variety of suppliers and manufacturers, such as exporters, manufacturers, and suppliers.

FAQs of Ortho Toludine:

Q: What is Ortho Toludine?

A: Ortho Toludine is a medicine grade chemical compound that is used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Q: What are the applications of Ortho Toludine?

A: Ortho Toludine has a variety of applications in the pharmaceutical industry, such as in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and as an intermediate in the synthesis of dyes and pigments. It is also used as an additive in the production of rubber and plastics.

Q: What is the melting point of Ortho Toludine?

A: Ortho Toludine has a melting point of 50-54 C.

Q: How should Ortho Toludine be stored?

A: Ortho Toludine is a highly stable compound that should be stored at room temperature.

Q: Where is Ortho Toludine available?

A: Ortho Toludine is available from a variety of suppliers and manufacturers, such as exporters, manufacturers, and suppliers.

ખરીદીની જરૂરિયાત વિગતો દાખલ કરો
ઈમેલ આઈડી
મોબાઈલ નમ્બર.


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