ભાષા બદલો
1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol

1-આઇસોપ્રોપીલેમિનો-3-4- 2-મેથોક્સી ઇથિલ ફેનોક્સી પ્રોપાન-2-ઓલ

ઉત્પાદન વિગતો:

  • સંગ્રહ સુકા સ્થળ
  • અન્ય નામો 1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol
  • ગ્રેડ મેડિસિન ગ્રેડ
  • શુદ્ધતા 99
  • એપ્લિકેશન ફાર્માસ્યુટિકલ
  • વધુ જોવા માટે ક્લિક કરો

1-આઇસોપ્રોપીલેમિનો-3-4- 2-મેથોક્સી ઇથિલ ફેનોક્સી પ્રોપાન-2-ઓલ કિંમત અને જથ્થો

  • કિલોગ્રામ/કિલોગ્રામ
  • કિલોગ્રામ/કિલોગ્રામ
  • 50

1-આઇસોપ્રોપીલેમિનો-3-4- 2-મેથોક્સી ઇથિલ ફેનોક્સી પ્રોપાન-2-ઓલ ઉત્પાદન વિશિષ્ટતાઓ

  • સુકા સ્થળ
  • 1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol
  • 99
  • મેડિસિન ગ્રેડ
  • ફાર્માસ્યુટિકલ

1-આઇસોપ્રોપીલેમિનો-3-4- 2-મેથોક્સી ઇથિલ ફેનોક્સી પ્રોપાન-2-ઓલ વેપાર માહિતી

  • કેશ એડવાન્સ (સીએ)
  • સપ્તાહ દીઠ
  • દિવસો
  • ઓલ ઇન્ડિયા

ઉત્પાદન વર્ણન

1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol is a chemical compound used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is one of the most important compounds used in the synthesis of drugs and medicines. It is a white crystalline solid with a melting point of 90-93C. It has a molecular weight of 205.29 g/mol and a density of 1.05 g/cm3. This compound is highly soluble in water and ethanol and is insoluble in ether. 1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol is available in Medicine Grade with a purity of 99%. It is manufactured by a leading exporter, manufacturer and supplier of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. This compound is stored in a dry place and is available in different quantities as per the customers requirements. This compound is used in the synthesis of various drugs and medicines such as antibiotics, antivirals, anti-inflammatory drugs, antifungal drugs, and other drugs. It is also used in the synthesis of various chemicals used in the pharmaceutical industry.

FAQs of 1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol:

Q: What is 1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol?

A: 1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol is a chemical compound used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is one of the most important compounds used in the synthesis of drugs and medicines.

Q: What is the purity of 1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol?

A: 1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol is available in Medicine Grade with a purity of 99%.

Q: What is the melting point of 1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol?

A: 1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol has a melting point of 90-93C.

Q: What is the molecular weight of 1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol?

A: 1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol has a molecular weight of 205.29 g/mol.

Q: What is the density of 1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol?

A: The density of 1-Isopropylamino-3-4- 2-Methoxy Ethyl Phenoxy Propan-2-Ol is 1.05 g/cm3.

ખરીદીની જરૂરિયાત વિગતો દાખલ કરો
ઈમેલ આઈડી
મોબાઈલ નમ્બર.


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